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学大英语作文—My hometown 我的家乡

来源:学大教育     时间:2015-07-04 18:12:27

高考英语中的重要题型除了阅读就要数作文了,多阅读些优秀范文可以帮助同学们更好地学习英语作文。针对高考作文的学习,我们学大教育专家为大家带来了学大英语作文—My hometown 我的家乡,希望可以帮助大家的学习。


My Hometown


My hometown lies on the Plain of North China. The famous Grand Canal of China is to the east of our village. This is the place where my forefathers have lived for generations. When I was a boy I often played with other children near the bank of the canal. I watched the passing boats, and I wished to travel all over the world.


There are about 800 people in our village. A pond, teeming with fish, lies in front of the village. I used to swim there in summer and skate in winter. It was in this pond that I spent the happiest days of my childhood.


To the north of our village are great fields. When spring comes, the crops begin to grow, turning the fields green. When crops turn yellow in autumn, the peasants start to harvest them.


Between the canal and our village is an orchard. There were only a few kinds of fruit trees years ago, but now the peasants grow many sorts, including peach, plum, apple and orange.


The majority of the villagers have become much better off. About a quarter of the households have bought television sets and tape recorders. A reading-room and a library have been built. Every evening many young people go to the evening school to learn science and read newspapers.


Two roads cross in front of our village. On summer evenings, people sit under the trees enjoying the cool breeze. The houses in our village are well laid out.


By the end of last year, 35 students in our village had graduated from senior middle school, and 12 students were enrolled at colleges.

This is my hometown. I hope you will make a visit here one day.



学大英语作文—My hometown 我的家乡经过上文的讲述我们已经知道了,希望同学们能通过这一英语范文学到些英语作文的写作方法与技巧。

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